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Dawn Williams Boyd_Photo_ sewing machine

Artist Dawn Williams Boyd

Please reach out to me with questions!

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Thank you for viewing my website. Please keep in mind that 'viewing' my artwork electronically doesn't allow you to experience the fine two dimensional details or to savor the rich textural qualities of the fabric and embellishments that make my work unique. Please take the time to safely "see" my work in person at your earliest opportunity.

The images on this web site are courtesy of yours truly, photographers Neal Stafford and Ron Witherspoon and Fort Gansevoort Gallery (NYC, LAX). 

Special thanks to my ancestors, family, fellow artists and patrons. I couldn't do any of this without all of you!


Last word: Please support your local artists by attending their events and exhibitions, and of course, by purchasing their work. Art is essential to the development of a whole, sane individual in this society. It is an outlet for aggression; it teaches problem solving  and project organization skills; it encourages us to learn about ourselves by learning about other times and other cultures; to see ourselves as others see us.

God bless and stay safe.


For inquires please contact Fort Gansevoort Gallery at:

©Dawn A. Williams Boyd 2023. The rights to use the words and images on this website are reserved exclusively for the artist. They may not be used for any reason without the artist's expressed and written permission.

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